Professional Learning for Schools
Rosie and her team are passionate about working with schools to educate and train those who are working directly with the children/adolescents we assess. We believe the best outcomes for students and teachers can only be achieved when everyone is working on the same 'team'.
Our professional learning presentations are fun, engaging and informative. Each presentation is 1-1.25 hours in length, fitting perfectly into your staff meeting.
Our ADHD Professional Learning is a two-part series.
Part A provides participants with a model for understanding ADHD which is based on the current research (not just the diagnostic criteria) with relatable examples of how this presents in a classroom environment. It discusses the primary and secondary symptoms of ADHD and common ADHD strengths.
Part B is dedicated to discussing management strategies. It briefly discusses the evidence-based treatments for ADHD, and spends the bulk of the time looking at classroom management strategies for both the primary and secondary symptoms of ADHD. It also discusses how to harness and teach students with ADHD from a strengths-based perspective.
These presentations are delivered by Rosie Maunder, Clinical Psychologist, and can be delivered face to face or via zoom.
Our Autism Professional Learning is a two-part series.
Part A provides participants with a sound understanding of the nuances of the diagnostic criteria for autism with relatable examples of how this presents in a classroom environment. This is discussed with a neuroaffirming lens and includes discussion of autistic strengths, and some of the daily challenges for autistic students.
Part B is dedicated to discussing management strategies. It briefly discusses creating suitable neuroaffirming learning plan goals and spends the bulk of the time looking at classroom adjustments and management strategies for supporting autistic students, including how to manage meltdowns.
These presentations are delivered by Dr Sinead Paine, Clinical Psychologist, and can be delivered face to face or via zoom.
Our Trauma Professional Learning is a two-part series.
Part A provides participants with an understanding of the way in which trauma impacts a developing brain including the threat responses, and provides relatable examples of how this presents in a classroom or school environment.
Part B begins with a discussion on attachment theory and the do's and don'ts for working with traumatised children from an attachment perspective. The remaining time is spent looking at adjustments and management strategies for supporting a child who has been impacted by trauma.
These presentations are delivered by Rosie Maunder, Clinical Psychologist, and can be delivered face to face or via zoom.
Our Common Mental Health Challenges Professional Learning is a two-part series.
Part A begins by discussing the current statistics on mental health disorders in children and adolescents including the impact on their education. The presentation then focuses on anxiety and depression and will provide teachers with a model for seeing the signs of anxiety and depression, and understanding how each condition develops and is maintained.
Part B is dedicated to discussing management strategies. It begins by discussing some practical strategies for increasing mental health awareness and help-seeking culture within a school and the classroom. It provides some practical strategies for supporting students who are struggling, from an academic perspective and a mental health perspective. It looks at a framework for responding to suicidal students, as well as how to have difficult conversations with parents and other stakeholders.
These presentations are delivered by Rosie Maunder, Clinical Psychologist, and can be delivered face to face or via zoom.
'Is it Autism or is it ADHD?' Professional Learning is our newest addition to our suite of training. This is delivered over a single session.
Our Is It Autism or Is It ADHD? presentation is a stand alone session.
Autism and ADHD are commonly confused presentations. This presentation takes teachers through the intricacies, similarities and differences between an autistic and an ADHD profile, using the autism diagnostic criteria.
This presentation is delivered by Rosie Maunder, Clinical Psychologist, and can be delivered face to face or via zoom.
Our Challenging Behaviour Professional Learning is a single session.
Our Challenging Behaviour presentation is best completed after our ADHD, Trauma or Autism series.
This presentation combines functional behavioural analysis and Ross Greene's collaborative problem solving principles to provide participants with a framework to help understand the underlying reason for challenging behaviour, to direct management plans.
This presentation is delivered by Rosie Maunder, Clinical Psychologist, and can be delivered face to face or via zoom.
Our Twice Exceptional Students Professional Learning is a single session.
Our Twice Exceptional Students presentation is a stand-alone presentation. During this session, participants will learn the definition of 'twice exceptional', how to identify twice exceptional students, masking and the risks of going undetected, and using strengths-based learning principles to support twice exceptional students learn.
This presentation is delivered by Rosie Maunder, Clinical Psychologist, and can be delivered face to face or via zoom.
Our Coping with Stress for Educators Professional Learning is a single session.
At Rosie Psychology, we are in awe of the brilliant job our educators do every day and see the toll this can take. Our Coping with Stress for Educators presentation is a hands-on workshop-style presentation. It begins by explaining the warning signs of stress and burnout. Rosie then walks participants through a cognitive restructuring example of a common negative belief. Participants then learn how to and create their own self-care plan to immediately implement after the presentation.
This presentation is delivered by Rosie Maunder, Clinical Psychologist and is best delivered face to face.
Workshops for Schools
Have you seen one of our professional learning presentations and want some additional coaching to implement the strategies and adjustments in your school?
Our interactive workshops are designed as a follow-up service to our professional learning. Capped at 10 people per session, we can help your team to individualise and apply this new knowledge for your school context.
School Consultations
Do you have a challenging class, or student(s) who need a little extra support and a fresh set of eyes?
Rosie Psychology is here to help with:
- Classroom observations
- Learning plan development support
- Consultation regarding individual students with teachers and/or parents
- Developing de-escalation plans